Cloud Commander V0.8.1
First of all I want admit new font icons you could see on menu and commands buttons. This should make UI of file manager more userfriendly. Hope it does :).
Next thing is combine is now called join it shorter and simpler. But still very usefull.
In this release speed was enhanced with exec
function of Util
This is how it looks now:
this.exec = function(callback) {
var ret,
args = Util.slice(arguments, 1);
if (Util.isFunction(callback))
ret = callback.apply(null, args);
return ret;
Simple, easy to use and do just one thing. Becouse of many things depends on this function it’s pretty good optimizitaion.
With help of function changeUIDToName
*nix users could see names, not just uids.
Thing this function do is pretty simple: parse /etc/passwd
and gets names from it (do it only if date of last parsed file is changed).
All tests was fixed. But it’s not a big thing ofcorse.
What is more interesting, is ability to select files *
, +
keys and
deselect them whith -
key. All this things works with simple file formats, you
actualy know it: *.*
- for any file whith any extension etc.
sometimes after show looks very strange and start tweaking.
This was fixed by changing config paramter loop:false
and adding this function:
function rmKeys() {
$.fancybox.defaults.keys = null;
Which do next thing: if some symbol keys was pressed loop begins.
As always code of file manager is more stable now, more easy to mantain and more userfriendly. Happy using :).
By the way, almost forgat, you could watch screenshots history of Cloud Commander in newly created page.
You could get last two verions of file manager from this links: 0.8.1 and 0.8.0.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I wish you hold this weekend with people you love :)