Cloud Commander V0.4.0

A couple days ago new version of Cloud Commander was released. So you can download last stable version on this page. New demo page was added so feel free to test and look around.

Lets talk a little bit about improvements. In config was added two new fields:

  • localStorage
  • analytics

Which are turned on by default (as like that was earlier). But you can turn off any of this options any time.

Maximum re-connection attempts of web sockets was increased so if connection would be lost, it come back when server would be started again.

Buttons F5 (Copy) and F6 (Move) are hiding when Cloud Commander works in one-panel mode.

Auto updating system was changed from git pull to git pull --rebase so any commits would not be removed any more (but you will need to stash any change).

From now you could upload files via drag’n’drop. Just take file on desktop, move it in Cloud Commander and drop it. By the way downlod file to desktop doing in same way but in back order.

Funny and very useful routes was added:

  • #menu
  • #console
  • #edit

Removed jquery-migrate dependency so it would not load any more.

And last improvement for today. “Nothing to save” was removed from editor because it has no sense.